Downtown Dubai Pass

From USD 177
USD 761


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<div class="row justify-content-center mb-4"> <h2 class="col-11 col-md-10 text-center">Downtown Dubai Pass</h2> </div> <div class="row justify-content-center pdp-description-divider"> <div class="col-11 col-md-10 col-lg-7 pr-lg-5 offset-lg-1"> <p>Get an up-close experience of Downtown Dubai while you discover rest of Dubai at your own pace on the ultimate city bus tour with 7 Day Pass. You decide when to ride, where to get off, and what to visit with many exciting activities from Burj Khalifa and Dubai mall to Atlantis The Palm. With your Downtown Dubai Pass you can enjoy an epic list of activities that saves you 77%.</p> <ul class="list-unordered pb-lg-5"> <li>Take in panoramic views of Dubai from Burj Khalifa, At The Top observation deck.</li> <li>Walk on water and see the Dubai Fountains up close, as you stroll down the 272-metre boardwalk from nearby Burj Park or Fountain Promenade.</li> <li>Enjoy dinner onboard Dhow Canal Cruise and discover new sights of Downtown Dubai by boat.</li> <li>Discover the Dubai Mall Aquarium and Underwater Zoo.</li> <li>Hop on 60-minute cruise on the Dubai Creek on a traditional Arabian Dhow.</li> <li>Leisurely cruise within The Palm Jumeirah and enjoy marvellous sights of Atlantis The Palm and the city skyline</li> <li>Go back in time on the QE II and learn about the history &amp; heritage of the majestic ocean-liner</li> </ul> <h3 class="h2 text-center text-md-left mb-md-4">The Facts</h3> <ul class="list-option row text-left justify-content-center"> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""><path d="M26.755 24.321H22.58v2.912a.758.758 0 0 1-.153.46.777.777 0 0 1-1.082.154L16.4 24.168a.764.763 0 0 1 .353-1.373.781.78 0 0 1 .574.145l3.709 2.76v-2.146a.774.774 0 0 1 .772-.766h4.947a1.697 1.697 0 0 0 1.7-1.686V10.066a1.698 1.698 0 0 0-1.7-1.686.77.77 0 0 1-.774-.766.77.77 0 0 1 .774-.766c1.788.002 3.243 1.446 3.245 3.218v11.036c-.002 1.773-1.457 3.217-3.245 3.22zm-5.59-3.154h-5.977l-4.78 3.557a.616.616 0 0 1-.99-.492v-3.065H5.092C3.385 21.165 2.002 19.794 2 18.101V7.066C2.002 5.373 3.385 4.002 5.091 4h16.073c1.708.002 3.09 1.373 3.092 3.066V18.1c-.002 1.693-1.384 3.064-3.092 3.066zM10.14 8.538H8.3l-2.987 6.914h1.516l.3-.691.298-.691h3.585l.598 1.382h1.518zm10.712-.197h-2.026V7h-1.352v1.34h-2.026v1.34h3.348a8.015 8.014 0 0 1-.196 1.212 7.999 7.997 0 0 1-.63 1.697 10.267 10.265 0 0 1-1.208-1.803l-.038-.072-1.201.612. 1.61 1.627 2.302a8.515 8.513 0 0 1-1.348 1.436 8.706 8.704 0 0 1-.445.35l-.18.127-.185.123.747 1.117a9.702 9.7 0 0 0 2.403-2.23c.339.266.699.502 1.085.695.208.104.424.192.645.269l.446-1.264a3.927 3.926 0 0 1-.415-.17 4.98 4.98 0 0 1-1.017-.657 9.294 9.292 0 0 0 .906-2.222c.144-.55.236-1.112.277-1.68h.701zM9.22 9.92l1.195 2.767h-2.39z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Languages</span>Adult commentary: English, Arabic, German, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Mandarin, Korean and Japanese.<br /> Kids commentary: English and Arabic.</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""><path d="M23.605 29.5c-.159 0-.315-.007-.47-.018l-.108-.008a7.723 7.753 0 0 1-.432-.052l-.124-.022a7.554 7.583 0 0 1-.317-.064c-.05-.011-.099-.021-.147-.034a6.84 6.866 0 0 1-.562-.17l-.15-.056a6.26 6.284 0 0 1-.427-.18l-.056-.024c-2.128-1.018-3.597-3.162-3.603-5.644.008-3.47 2.864-6.272 6.366-6.272.236 0 .471 0 .679.03v-.026a6.507 6.532 0 0 1 1.915.494v.024c2.087.891 3.611 2.89 3.809 5.223l.005.08c. 0 3.473-2.864 6.287-6.395 6.287zm0-10.718c-2.476 0-4.51 1.999-4.51 4.431 0 2.434 2.034 4.433 4.51 4.433 2.475 0 4.509-1.94 4.509-4.403 0-2.462-2.034-4.461-4.509-4.461zm1.74 5.344h-1.74a.923.926 0 0 1-.944-.927V20.62c0-.522.413-.927.944-.927.53 0 .943.405.943.927v1.622h.796c.501 0 .942.435.942.956a.922.925 0 0 1-.942.927zm-4.157-11.24c.472 0 .855.377.824.811v1.39a.814.817 0 0 1-.824.812H18.86a.818.82 0 0 1-.827-.811v-1.39c0-.435.354-.811.827-.811zM9.281 15.9H6.95a.818.82 0 0 1-.825-.811v-1.39c0-.435.354-.811.825-.811h2.33c.47 0 .824.376.824.81v1.39a.815.818 0 0 1-.824.812zm.824 4.316a.815.818 0 0 1-.824.812H6.95a.816.82 0 0 1-.825-.812v-1.39c0-.434.354-.811.825-.811h2.33c.47 0 .824.377.824.81zm5.13-4.316h-2.329a.818.82 0 0 1-.826-.811v-1.39c0-.435.354-.811.826-.811h2.329c.47 0 .824.376.824.81v1.39a.815.818 0 0 1-.824.812zm.824 4.316a.815.818 0 0 1-.824.812h-2.329a.816.82 0 0 1-.826-.812v-1.39c0-.434.354-.811.826-.811h2.329c.47 0 .824.377.824.81zm8.195-9.255H3.886v11.384c0 .522.413.928.943.928h11.06c.009.64.097 1.261.258 1.854H4.83C3.267 25.126 2 23.88 2 22.344V7.454c0-.694.265-1.332.707-1.824V5.6h.06a2.873 2.884 0 0 1 2.092-.927h2.092V3.427c0-.521.414-.927.943-.927H9.31c.53 0 .943.406.943.927v1.246h7.722V3.427c0-.521.412-.927.943-.927h1.415c.53 0 .944.406.944.927v1.217h2.063a2.81 2.81 0 0 1 2.092.927h.03v.059c.442.492.707 1.13.707 1.824v8.561a7.786 7.815 0 0 0-1.915-.402z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Departures</span>Daily: From 09:00 - 17:30<br /> Night Tour: Daily at 19:00</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""><path d="M26.93 30H5.069A3.081 3.081 0 0 1 2 26.899V11.998h.019V7.896c0-.826.306-1.585.817-2.172V5.69h.07a3.28 3.28 0 0 1 2.42-1.103h2.422V3.104c0-.621.477-1.104 1.09-1.104h1.638c.613 0 1.09.483 1.09 1.104v1.483h8.935V3.104c0-.621.478-1.104 1.092-1.104h1.636c.615 0 1.092.483 1.092 1.104v1.448h2.387c.955 0 1.808.413 2.421 1.103h.035v.07c.51.586.817 1.345.817 2.171v4.102H30v14.9c0 1.7-1.357 3.102-3.07 3.102zm.778-3.826V11.998H4.291v14.176a1.38 1.38 0 0 0 1.377 1.394h20.693a1.38 1.38 0 0 0 1.378-1.394zm-17.39-6.182l2.155-2.043 2.006 2.177 5.118-5.176 2.082 2.104-7.274 7.368z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Availability</span>Year round</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""><path d="M20.867 23.888h-9.734C9.41 23.888 8 22.53 8 20.87v-9.74c0-1.66 1.41-3.018 3.133-3.018h9.734C22.59 8.112 24 9.47 24 11.13v9.74c0 1.66-1.41 3.018-3.133 3.018zm-2.222-8.766h-1.646v-2.278c0-.446-.377-.808-.84-.808-.464 0-.84.362-.84.808v3.086c0 .446.376.81.84.81h2.486c.463 0 .839-.364.839-.81 0-.446-.376-.808-.839-.808zM11.299 4.25C11.3 3.013 12.351 2 13.635 2h4.729C19.649 2 20.7 3.013 20.7 4.25v2.22h-9.402zm9.402 23.5c0 1.237-1.052 2.25-2.337 2.25h-4.729c-1.284 0-2.336-1.013-2.336-2.25v-2.22h9.402z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Duration</span>7 day ticket</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""><path d="M28.783 27.5H25.13a1.207 1.21 0 0 1-1.218-1.2V23.9H8.088V26.3c0 .662-.545 1.2-1.218 1.2H3.218A1.207 1.21 0 0 1 2 26.3v-9.787c0-.489.21-.955.578-1.279l1.72-1.514-1.785-.632a.786.788 0 0 1-.455-1.04l.19-.465a.763.765 0 0 1 .703-.481h2.58l.904-3.404a2.43 2.436 0 0 1 2.356-1.791h.412c-.014-.055 0-.644 0-.704 0-.389.32-.703.714-.703.394 0 .715.314.715.703 0 .039.006.667 0 .704h10.531c-.014-.055 0-.644 0-.704 0-.389.32-.703.714-.703.394 0 .715.314.715.703 0 .039.005.667 0 .704h.616a2.43 2.43 0 0 1 2.355 1.791l.907 3.404h2.578a.76.76 0 0 1 .702.48l.19.467a.787.789 0 0 1-.454 1.039l-1.785.632 1.72 1.514c.368.324.578.79.578 1.28V26.3c0 .662-.545 1.2-1.217 1.2zM4.435 21.094c0 .26.225.453.463.398l1.67-.384a.402.403 0 0 0 .302-.399c0-.224-.171-.407-.383-.407H4.818c-.211 0-.383.183-.383.407zm.364-5.588c-.199-.026-.364.16-.364.374v.803c0 .57.44 1.053.973 1.075l3.654.145c.133.006.243-.108.243-.25v-.724a.959.961 0 0 0-.85-.94zM24.017 8.36c-.187-.563-.569-.944-1.179-.944H9.162c-.61 0-.99.38-1.179.944L6.87 11.905h18.261zm3.547 7.519c0-.213-.164-.4-.364-.374l-3.654.482a.959.961 0 0 0-.85.941v.724c0 . 4.83c0-.225-.17-.408-.382-.408h-1.669c-.211 0-.382.183-.382.407 0 .192.125.358.3.399l1.671.384c.238.055.462-.138.462-.398z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Transport</span>Coach, double-decker bus</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""><path d="M17.924 26.585L11.8 29.59v-3.005zM21.6 6.78v19.294c0 .033 0 .033-.036.067 0 .034 0 .034-.034.069 0 .034-.036.034-.036.067 0 0-.034.035-.034.069 0 0-.036.034-.036.069l-.034.033s-.036.034-.07.034c0 0-.036.035-.07.035 0 0-.036 0-.036.034L14.074 30H30V6.78zm-1.4 18.44H2V2h18.2zm-2.1-12.977a6.63 6.63 0 0 0-2.066-4.814c-2.73-2.663-7.174-2.663-9.904 0a6.724 6.724 0 0 0 0 9.663l4.444 4.508c.14.136.316. 0 .386-.069.49-.205L16 17.092a6.665 6.665 0 0 0 2.1-4.85zm-3.046-3.858a5.358 5.358 0 0 1 1.646 3.858 5.358 5.358 0 0 1-1.646 3.859l-3.954 4.03-3.956-4.03a5.387 5.387 0 0 1 0-7.717A5.666 5.666 0 0 1 11.1 6.78a5.664 5.664 0 0 1 3.954 1.605zm-.454 3.858c0-1.877-1.576-3.414-3.5-3.414-1.926 0-3.5 1.537-3.5 3.414 0 1.878 1.574 3.416 3.5 3.416 1.924 0 3.5-1.538 3.5-3.416zm-3.5-2.048c-1.156 0-2.1.922-2.1 2.048 0 1.128.944 2.049 2.1 2.049 1.154 0 2.1-.921 2.1-2.05 0-1.125-.946-2.047-2.1-2.047z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Tour Map</span><a href="" target="_blank">Bus Tour Map</a></div> </li> </ul> <h3 class="h2 text-center text-md-left mb-md-4">Good to know</h3> <ul> <li>At the Top (Burj Khalifa), Dhow Dinner Canal cruise and Dubai Fountain Boardwalk must be booked in advance.</li> <li>At the Top Burj Khalifa tickets are only applicable on non-prime hours: 8 am &ndash; 3 pm and 6:30 pm until closing (subject to change depending on Sunset time) Last entry to At the Top Burj Khalifa is 45 minutes prior to the closing time.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 pdp-description-side"> <div class="pdp-description-side-figure"><picture> <source media="(min-width:1024px)" srcset=", 2x" /> <source media="(min-width:768px)" srcset=", 2x" /> <source media="(min-width:568px)" srcset=", 2x" /> <source srcset=", 2x" /> <img alt="Downtown Dubai Pass" class="pdp-description-side-img" src="" /> </picture></div> <div class="row justify-content-center justify-content-lg-start"> <div class="col-11 col-md-10 col-lg-9 pl-lg-4"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-12"> <h3 class="h6">Validity</h3> <ul class="list-unordered"> <li>Vouchers are valid for 6&nbsp;months from the date of issue.</li> <li>Pass expires 7&nbsp;days &nbsp;from the time the voucher has been redeemed.</li> </ul> <h3 class="h6">What's included</h3> <ul class="list-unordered"> <li>7 Day Hop-on Hop-off bus tour (Including Dubai Night Tour)</li> <li>At the Top Burj Khalifa Experience</li> <li>Access to the Dubai Mall Aquarium &amp; Underwater Zoo with Back of the House Tour</li> <li>Dhow Dinner Canal Cruise Experience</li> <li>Access to Dubai Fountain Boardwalk experience</li> <li>Queen Elizabeth 2 Heritage Tour</li> <li>Al Seef Dhow Cruise (60 Minutes)</li> <li>Palm Jumeirah Cruise (60 Minutes)</li> <li>Access to Dubai Museum and Global Village</li> <li>Buy one get one free drink at Costa coffee</li> <li>Free water and Wi-fi on board</li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-12"> <h3 class="h6">Age Policy</h3> <ul class="list-unordered"> <li>Adult: 12 years and older</li> <li>Child: 3 - 11 years old</li> <li>Toddler: 0 - 2 years old (Free ticket)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
This product is not available for online bookings
Please request a callback below or WhatsApp us on +971 42748803 to book this tour.